Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Asian Dramas Make My Life Go Round

Hi everyone,

One of my own self-given nicknames is Mika, so you guys can address me as Mika. It is awesome to share my interest with ya. To briefly describe myself, I am a lil Chinese girl who is a junior in college and loves to associate with people. My personality is bubbly, outgoing, and positive, so that means I try to make the best out of what life throws at me. I enjoy meeting people, so comment or add me as a friend anytime!

To get to the point, I created this blog to share with everyone in cyberspace my love for watching Asian dramas. I watch a range of Asian dramas when I find the time away from school. Mainly, I watch Korean, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and Japanese (very few) romance dramas. From today onwards, I will post up reviews about the dramas I watch in hopes that I will get everyone's feedback on it as well. Just as a warning, I watch dramas in a sporadic order, so it does not mean that I will watch a series as they are released chronologically. Okies... Let's start Asian drama sharing!

P.S. Leave me a comment if you have any questions or comments!

~ Mika


Anonymous said...

Hi Mika,

I love watching old hong kong dramas of 1960 era. My favourite actress is Josephine Siao.
anyway you can download Bride in Chains 1968 for me to watch?